Here's the weekday results now tabulated. They are below for review.
Weekday Questionnaire Results
(Aug. 27th, 2012)
(Total = 35: Degree of error +/- 1%.)
1) As a Park User, how frequently do you use the Park?once a month = 4 (11%), once every couple weeks = 9 (26%)
once a week = 2 (6%), multiple times per week = 17 (49%)
multiple times per day = 4 (11%)
2) What riding/electoral area do you live in?
City of Vernon = 25 (71%), District of Coldstream = 8 (23%)
Regional Area "B" = 3 (9%), Regional Area "C" = 3 (9%)
Other = 0 (0%)
3) Do you bring your dog(s) to the park?
Yes =35 (100%), No = 0 (0%)
4) Do you like access to a dog permitted park?
Yes = 33 (94%), No = 0 (0%)
5) Do you think Dogs should be on a leash their entire time at the Park?
Yes = 0 (0%), No = 34 (97%)
6) Would you like to see a fenced "picnic" area?
Yes = 19 (54%), No = 14 (40%)
7) What equipment or facilities do you feel could be added to the Park?portable toilets = 23 (66%) , garbage containers = 21 (60%)
picnic tables = 21 (60%), 'playground' equipment = 9 (26%)
open air shelter = 11 (31%)
8) What feature of this Park is your favorite?
Creek = 17 (49%), Trails/Open Area = 5 (14%)
Off Leash = 7 (20%), Picnic Table(s) = 1 (3%)
'All of it' = 5 (14%)
9) As a Park User, what is your primary use?
exercise = 27 (77%), picnics = 0 (0%), relaxation = 15 (43%)
10) How many family members access the park?
one = 8 (23%), two = 14 (40%), three = 8 (23%)
four or more = 3 (9%)
11) What is your opinion of the park's condition?
Excellent = 12 (34%), Very Good = 16 (46%)
Satisfactory = 4 (11%), Poor = 2 (6%)
12) Would you like to see or attend a summertime community event at the BX Ranch Park?
Yes = 21 (60%), No = 11 (31%)
13) Would you like to see a Light installed in the Parking lot of the Park?
Yes = 22 (63%),No = 10 (29%)
14) Were you aware that this Community Park is a "multiple use" park?
Yes = 23 (66%), No = 8 (23%)
15) As an area resident/taxpayer, would you support these possibilities through municipal taxation?
Yes = 27 (77%), No = 3 (9%)
Thanks for all those who participated. The results are quite interesting. If you would like to leave a comment, please do.
Lastly, if anyone would like PDF's, please email the assoc. at the email address:, thanks.