Thursday, November 17, 2016

October's Minutes

Noted topics of discussion are as follows:

  • Members concerned Re: Local Policing, has been commented on as being reactive and not proactive. 
  • Dirt Bikes in the Electoral Areas being a noise source and safety issue.
  • Concern that rural areas are under serviced due to demands to the City of Vernon and shortage of staff in the Vernon Detachment (R.C.M.P.)
  • Interested people wanting more information Re: Citizens on Patrol should contact Reagan Borensenko
  • Both electoral reps (from B & C) attended the recent U.B.C.M. convention.  Meetings were commented on as being productive.  Swan Lake waste water project was well received. Rural Dividend fund is being approached.
  • Public Fire Smart meeting been hosted by the B.X. Fire Dept. @ B.X. Fire Hall on Oct.29th from 9 - 11:30am.  Attendees found it to be a interesting and informative meeting.
  • Rural Citizens on patrol is being worked on by Mike Moyer.  This is a revision of the Block Watch Program.
  • No Protective Services manager has been hired yet.
  • Mr. MacNabb has suggested that the Ministry of Transportation be notified to roads that require upgrades to meet provincial standards.  This includes local roads that have no shoulders, pedestrian paths and potholes on the road surface.
  • A.L.R. has agreed for the use of some land as a connecting trail to the B.X. Ranch Park.  There was a inquiry to weed control.
  • No update from Mr. Ernst.  Topic tabled until next meeting.
This concludes the discussed topics.  Next Director's meeting is scheduled for Jan. 16th, 2016, venue to be announced. (Either People Place or the B.X. Fire Hall.)  As December's meeting falls to close to the holidays and therefore will be deferred.

Questions or Comments can be added below, thanks for your interest.

Friday, November 4, 2016

October 2016 Minutes


Here's the topics of discussion from the last Director's meeting.
  • Guest Mike Moyer, Safety Coordinator & Crime Prevention for R.D.N.O. Residents can phone crime stoppers if reluctant to give personal information Re: investigations (arson incidents, vandalism, etcetera) specific details such as license plate, vehicle color, location as so on.
  • Electoral Areas B & C. In area B there are new fire hydrants on MacDonald and McClure roads. 
  • A floating dock may be installed in a Park on Heron Rd. 
  • Representatives met with concerned users of Mutrie Park. 
  • A section planned to connect to the Okanagan Rail Trail from the old 'Look Out' to Crystal Waters has started.
  • Conservation officer has been involved with Boat Patrols, and other issues.
  • Minister of Agriculture, Norm Letnick has bought out the new regulations for alternate uses of farmland.
  • Area representatives are working hard on trying to maintain all 160 acres of the proposed "BX Ranchlands".
  • Mike MacNabb has responded to a unsatisfactory and contradictory letter from the City Re: Mr. Ernst's Property.
Other items were just due process of the meeting.  If you have comments please leave them below (or tell friends / local residents.)

Take care all, until next post.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Minutes from June 2016

The hiatus is over and the executive will be having monthly meetings again.  Pardon the tardiness on the last meeting's minutes.  So June's topics of interest/discussion are as follows:
  • Karl Ernst's property inquiry to the city has yet to be replied to...
  • 'Block Watch' member was met by the Brentwood Road residents.
  • BX Fire Hall Plaque. This was on display at the Open House. It has been well received and admired.  There is no cost to the Association as Blair donated his expertise and Sunshine Graphics also donated their services.
  • Re: (Potential) Gravel Pit: In early June, on 2 Saturdays processing was noted on the property and pictures were taken to show the material removed.  4 loads of soil were taken up towards Silver Star. A formal complaint was made to the A.L.R.  Roadwork was completed in a reasonably respectful manner.
  • Other topics were essentially internal matters (Venue donation, Societies' Act Filing, Etcetera)

So after this month's executive meeting, we will post the topics of discussion/interest once completed.
Of course, if any topics interest you please leave comments below for discussion.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Apr. Minutes in June


This post is of the last month's minutes, a brief (unofficial) overview of the last meeting (June) and information of meeting schedule.

Information from the minutes:
  • Roy Morgan notified us as to his involvement in by-law enforcement.
  • Bill Wilkie, is associated with the Emergency Support Services program.  As per his presentation, the (then) provincially funded program has changed by being postulated for local municipalities collaboration for funding. He encouraged people to enroll in the volunteer program. He also supplied lists of items and stressed the importance of having a "Grab & Go" bag (for evacuation.)
From Old Business:
  • There is a upcoming review of the Drought Management Program.
  • A full regional parks service was not supported.
  • Sewer Plan for Area B is delayed (or in hiatus) due to a new First Nations Band Leader elected.
Lastly, the executive has reviewed the summer months (July and August) and due to personal engagements the members have voted to reconvene in the Fall (September.)

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Mid June Entry


This entry finds the assoc. at a time, when the sign regarding some history of the B.X. area has been placed in the newly renovated B.X. Fire Hall.  Many kudos to all those that contributed to the making of the sign.  We may have the text of it posted in the next entry (& possibly a picture, no promises.) 

  • From past entries the land owner who is having water issues on his property, has had no reply yet.  We remain optimistic that some information may be forthcoming in the future.
  •  The issue of Stickle road is ongoing, we have no other information to provide at this time.  We hope the people's wishes are eventually met and watch with great interest as well. 
  • A "Block Watch" has been established for the Brentwood Road as well.
  • All other topics are still left with no further updates.

We anticipate more to write about after the next executive meeting (June 21st, 2016) depending on the topics and information provided.  Hope all readers are enjoying the mixed weather summer that we are having. 

Sunday, May 1, 2016

March 2016 Pre Annual General Meeting

Hi all,
Minutes from the last executive meeting are as follows:

 Old Business:
  • B.X. parcel of land that may become a park is closer to completion.
  • Fire Hydrants expansion program is continuing, Regional District Areas "B" & "C" have been mapped, showing areas with sufficient density and water pressure for the next stage.
  • Brentwood Road residents concern about upgrades on the road (which have already been completed by now by the active interest party for the proposed gravel pit) inquiries equaled no response from Ministry Of Transport.

 New Business:
  •  A local resident had video footage of changes/damages to his property due to changes in the environment due to work done to the Foothills Development using berms and diversion of the natural water flows onto his property.  Area on his property is now flooded and water saturated it is more of a swamp.  To the extent now that he can't use agricultural equipment or graze cattle and thus may lose his agricultural status.  The City of Vernon, or developers are currently not taking any responsibility for the damage.  Last note he has hired an independent Hydrological/Geotechnical Engineer personnel.
  • Parks Manager, Keith Pinkoski gave a power point presentation outlining which parks come under his jurisdiction and services provided.
 This ends the minutes of this meeting.  The next meeting that was held on April 19th, 2016 was the Association's Annual General Meeting which the minutes from are still pending. Will be posted on the blog once available...

Until next time,

Friday, March 11, 2016

March Entry

Greetings again,

Update from the last executive meeting are as follows (items of interest / discussion.)

Old Business
  • Optimistically, the Agricultural Land Reserve potential rezoning of recently acquired B.X. lands is expected to be approved.
  • Greater Vernon Water Rates are approved (most know the outcome from the Morning Star and other publications.)
  • Variance of Grey Canal trail was established as an old right of way.  Questions of why it was fenced (near Brentwood road) made in a motion to Mr. Pinkoski.

New Business
  • Historical Sign for the Area's B & C Fire Hall is being started for display at the finished hall's renovation (B.X. Fire hall.)  Graphics and layout is being handled by a couple of executive members.  However, the association would greatly appreciate any information (perhaps families' history) of residents in the area to be collected for consideration for the display.  Contact Terry @ 250-542-1056...

Next Meeting will be March 15th, 2016 at 7 pm at the "People Place".

Please comment below...

Saturday, February 13, 2016

January's Minutes

Hello Everyone,

Here's the topics of interest from January's meeting.

Old Business:
  •  Sewer service survey is underway.  The final report should be completed by the end of March or early April.
  •  Fire Hydrant installation may commence in the spring.
  • Purchase of the 167 acres of the B.X Ranch is pending on A.L.C. approval of the land being used for non agricultural purposes. Parks has also acquired land off Crane road (adjacent to Swan Lake) and Camp Hurlburt.
  • Re: Rail Trail. The rail company are currently lifting the rails in the section between Kelowna and Oyama.
  • B.X. Firehall: the expansion proceeding and many improvements noted. There will be an official opening.
  • Question was raised as to why the developer of the property at the head of Brentwood Road was allowed to move the fence into the Grey Canal trail in order to build an access road to the back of his property.  More information may be received on this issue later.
  • Additional Re:  Brentwood Road.  Residents of this road have discovered that the road is to be widened and upgraded in sections. The work is to be done by Mertion. Residents do not support the need for this work and are opposed to the developer of land at the head of the road being permitted to do the work.
  • Also, A local property owner outlined the problem he is experiencing regarding water from The Foothills running into his property and flooding his lands. He is hiring and financing a Hydro-Geological study to determine changes in water ground water flow as a result of the development of the area above his property. It appears the water that used to flow east towards B.X Creek has been diverted to flow to the west of Silver Star Road.
New Business:
  •  A.G.M. date set April 19th 2016 at Vernon Lodge. Topics proposed so far are:-   
    +  Swan Lake Sewer Proposal
    +  Installation of neighborhood fire hydrants
    +  Seed Library at Okanagan College and seed saving
  • A member inquired Re: the O.C.P. process and the integrity of its recommendations.  Why local bylaws were changed to fit provincial legislation?. Some explanation was given how this could have occurred when multiple matters are passed under one motion. Bob Fleming is in agreement with drawing up a motion for R.D.N.O. to supply documentation to raise awareness re potential outcomes of when there is blanket adoption of Provincial regulations. Further there should automatically be a a public meeting re potential adverse consequences.
  • New Ampitheatre proposal Topic:  Tabled
 Next meeting will be February 16th 2016, 7.00 pm at the People Place

Thursday, January 14, 2016

January's Update

Greetings again,

Hope everyone's New Year's celebration was more fun than expected.  The minutes from Nov. 2015 (last meeting due to the December hiatus) are now available and topics of discussion are as follows.

1st a correction = Presentation was by Jennifer Sigalet UBC-O should have read Okanagan College.

  • Some fire hydrants could be installed in the Areas B & C.  Survey of area has shown 68 homes within the required distance criteria have fire hydrant protection.  Another 30 residences could be included in the program. There is pressure now on G.V.W. to upgrade piping.
  • Provincial forest fire allocation has yielded an excess of $150,000 in revenue.
  • Re: Stickle Road. The third proposal for improvement is "in camera" since there are properties involved. Will come up in Jan 2016.
  • Letter in support of BX Ranchlands park space drafted.  This is referring to the property on East Vernon Road which is the last large section of the Ranch Farm that is a part of local history. Here's some promotional material previously released
  • Under New Business there was a concern raised Re: the use of sections of the Grey Canal trail (section from Hartnell to DeRoo roads) by motorized off road vehicles which are tearing up the trail bed.  Inquiry regarding access will be sent to Parks Manager Keith Pinkowsky.

Next meeting is January 19th 2016, 7.00 pm at the People Place.

Want to comment or leave subject for discussion.  Please do below...