Sunday, August 31, 2014

Re: Brentwood Rd Update

Greetings Bloggers,

Although the Association has been on a small hiatus (Month of August 2014) there has been a development Re: the proposed gravel pit on Brentwood Road.  The meeting was reported in the Morning Star recently,  if anyone had missed it, the link is below.

The Association is pleased that the local directors (of the R.D.N.O.) voted (on a motion) to not forward the application to the A.L.R.  The process was followed to come to this decision.  This sensitive (or emotional) issue has many facets to it and a lengthy history.  We are grateful for the residents of Brentwood Road as well as all those whom signed the petition, to voice opposition to a commercial development in a pristine ecological corridor (for almost all wildlife.)  Also, the view for the Grey Canal Trail will also be left as planned, a picturesque scene that many tourists will photograph.

As like the case of "BX Falls" can be found on youtube...(the link is the list of videos available.)

This ends our short entry while the Assoc. was on it's 'break' and we will blog about any future developments.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

July/August Entry

Greetings Bloggers,

This entry finds all of us busy with our gardens, holidays, and the GREAT summer weather.

This entry will start and be centered around the information provided to the BX Swan Lake Community Assoc. from the Brentwood Rd. residents.  The ones that are concerned about the possibility of the "BX Gravel Pit" going ahead and starting operations.  Below is the information provided to us (in condensed format.)

  • The location of this pit has environmental considerations due to the close proximity to the BX Creek.  Run-off of silt and other particulate as well as the riparian area consideration.  The road (that would need to be upgraded for industrial traffic) is only 6 M away from the Creek.  Also private wells owners near this site are concerned about possible impact.
  • Concerns for Air Quality and Audio Pollution.  Despite the adjacent neighbours to this property/enterprise, some residents of the Foothills subdivision complained about increase of dust and noise when this property was worked last year.
  • The electoral area this pit could be in is one of the densest in the local area.  There are 476 households within 1 KM of this site.
  • The Elementary School will be passed by the increased traffic that this pit would generate (by dumptrucks with trailers.)
Regional District of the North Okanagan has this application cited for review at their August 20th meeting @ 4 PM.  There will be no submissions allowed at this meeting.  So, if you are opposed to this site for a gravel pit, you can email, send or drop off letters to the N.O.R.D. Board of Directors BEFORE August 20th, 2014.

Regional District of North Okanagan
9848 Aberdeen Road
Coldstream, BC V1B 2K9
Phone: 250-550-3700
Fax:      250-550-3701
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Here is the link to the directors and their respective areas .
In order to ensure all directors are aware of the resident's concerns, please "cc" ('carbon copy') or send an email to Also, use this email to contact the residents if you have not signed the petition.
The assoc. can be emailed @ ''
We hope to see support for the residents at the aforementioned meeting or at least in letter form.

P.S. The association will not be meeting in the month of August but will resume in Sept. 2014.  
P.S.S. Crow intelligence test