Friday, October 18, 2019

Sept. 2019 Minutes

Greetings Bloggers,

Here's the topics of discussion from the last executive meeting, after the usual business the topics were:
  • Discussion starting with communication. Possibilities of a web site, a blog, a portal or Facebook. Decided to explore developing a web site. Marge volunteered to investigate costs involved including domain name and annual fees.
  • Discussion of membership. Need to find who has the current membership list. Need to update bylaws to restrict voting membership to Area "B" and "C" residents and property owners only.
  • Decided to move monthly meeting to the fourth Thursday. Paul requested suggestions for guest speakers and topics. Topics suggested were pocket gophers, noxious weeds, rats, and bee keeping. If you have additional ideas please contact Paul.
  • BX Ranch Land update by Mike MacNabb. Mike and Ray to draft a concept paper. Mike to deliver to John Janmaat, professor at UBCO, to expand on the community importance of keeping the land in public hands
  • Special events update. No date set yet for opening of BX Ranch Land ‘Connector’ Trail. Would like ideas for a public event in the spring of 2020.
  • Blair presented a report on his meeting with Tolko.
Next meeting will be on Thursday, Oct. 24th, 2019.
Feel free to leave comments or questions below, (in the comment section.)