Monday, March 2, 2020

Febuary 2020 Minutes

Greetings Readers,

Here's the minutes from the Febuary Executive meeting.

 Minutes of the General Meeting of the B.X./Swan Lake Community Association, 27 February 2020 at the BX/Swan Lake Fire Hall Meeting Room

Chair:  Paul Williamson
Present: Ray Ivey, Terry Donnelly, Richard Orton, Ron Swart, Harry Knopf, Ted Vanderwal, Ed Penno, Beckie Mertion, Klayton Mertion, Marg Bomford, Kathy Jenkins, Amanda Shatzko, Bob Fleming, Bill Wacey.
Call to order 7:32 pm.
Agenda approved. Moved by Ray, seconded by Beckie.
Minutes of 23 January approved. Moved by Ray; seconded by Beckie.
  • Amanda reported on BX Ranch Lands.
  • Bill Wacey reported on ramifications to the fire department Re: BX Elementary School's annexation by City of Vernon. This could possibly affect the education programs at the school as well as the fire hall’s relationship with the Boy Scouts that also meet at the school.
Area B and C Reports
  • Amanda and Bob spoke on road upgrades, possible flood situations in the spring, and a new economic development service for rural North Okanagan including Areas B, C, D, E and F.
The next meeting will be on March 25,2020 (approximately at 7 PM) at the BX/Swan Lake Fire Hall Meeting Room, with guest speaker Sara Huber from the Agricultural Land Commission.

Meeting adjourned 8:14pm.  

Please feel free to leave your comments or questions below.
(On these or other subjects and they will be forwarded to be addressed.)

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

January 2020 Minutes

Greetings Readers,

The Association has had it's first meeting of the new year.  The minutes of the January 23rd, 2020 meeting are as follows:

Chair:  Paul Williamson
Present:  Karl Ernst, Ted Vanderwal, Sandra Liedl, Rob Liedl, Gord Weighill, Karen Weighill, Jiri Havelka, Iveta Havelka, Mike MacNabb, Bob Fleming, Betty Holtskog, Norm Friesen, Ray Ivey, Terry Donnelly.

  •  Call to order 7:02 p.m. 
  • Agenda approved. Moved by Ray, seconded by Karl.
  • Minutes of November 28th meeting approved. Moved by Ray; seconded by Mike.
  • Mike MacNabb reported on B.X. Ranch lands and the concept paper (that) he and Ray Ivey are developing.
Area B Report:
  • Area B Director Bob Fleming reported Regional District of North Okanagan (R.D.N.O.) was sending a survey to random residents on the possibility of a new recreation centre. 
  • Reported R.D.N.O. will again be expanding the installation of fire hydrants. 
  • He and Area C Director Amanda Shatzko will make a presentation to the Regional District of the North Okanagan board at either the February or March board meeting in support of retaining the B.X. Ranch lands in public hands. BX Swan Lake Community Association will send a notice to our contacts requesting public support at the board meeting.
Guest Speaker Presentation:
  • Betty Holtskog spoke on maintaining a healthy septic system, providing tips for lengthening the life of septic tanks and disposal systems.
Meeting adjourned 8:50 p.m. 

The next meeting scheduled for the B.X / Swan Lake Community Association is on Febuary 27th, 2020.

Comments and/or questions can be left below and forwarded to the executive members of the association.