Greetings Bloggers,
Although the Association has been on a small hiatus (Month of August 2014) there has been a development Re: the proposed gravel pit on Brentwood Road. The meeting was reported in the Morning Star recently, if anyone had missed it, the link is below.
The Association is pleased that the local directors (of the R.D.N.O.) voted (on a motion) to not forward the application to the A.L.R. The process was followed to come to this decision. This sensitive (or emotional) issue has many facets to it and a lengthy history. We are grateful for the residents of Brentwood Road as well as all those whom signed the petition, to voice opposition to a commercial development in a pristine ecological corridor (for almost all wildlife.) Also, the view for the Grey Canal Trail will also be left as planned, a picturesque scene that many tourists will photograph.
As like the case of "BX Falls" can be found on youtube...(the link is the list of videos available.)
This ends our short entry while the Assoc. was on it's 'break' and we will blog about any future developments.