Saturday, December 15, 2018

December Post (Catch-Up)

Greetings Bloggers,

Pardon the delayed update, the association took the summer off and then there was the local election.
Since the minutes are being worked on (not received) we are updating as follows:
From Sept (pre-election)

Old Business
  • Area B and C update: Mike Macnabb talked to current status of BX Ranchlands. Vernon and Coldstream maintaining their position of “sever and sell”. (This is speculated to be a portion is for park use then the rest sold off for development.)   Next meeting is in camera. Development of the linear park is delayed.
  • The spring run off from the Boss Development this year created a natural wetland on the BX property showing the need to allow this to happen.
  • Paul commented on the Rancho Vignola starting a pumpkin seed crushing plant in Armstrong. Also there is an upcoming workshop Sept 21st at the RDNO office from 9:00 to 11:00 am. Speakers are Laura Frank and Mary Stockdale.  Topics are Cooperative business ventures,  Agricultural Co-Ops and North Okanagan food sustainability.
  • Response to letter re road conditions and traffic patterns around BX Elementary School. Letter from Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure was not particularly supportive of our concerns. Little is to be expected re suggested improvements.  Letters on file. Mike Randall requested copies of both letters.
No New Business (Sept. 2018)

We welcome the new rep. for Area C, Amanda Shatzko.
Also, have appreciation, gratitude and thanks for his service, Mr. Mike MacNabb.  Best wishes for his future endeavors.

When the minutes are updated and circulated, we will post them again here.

Last but not least, wishing everyone a Merry Christmas (well wishes for this Holiday Season,) and a Happy New Year.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

May Minutes

Greetings Readers,

Here's the minutes from May 2018 below.
No Guests

Under Old Business:
  • Area "B" update, association informed about property evaluation of the BX Ranch land, trail acquisition, fencing BX ranch land (complete), portable toilets for the Rail Trail and sewer system update.
  • Paul Williamson, reporting on the BX Ranch Land Committee, said committee is waiting on the official opening of the BX Ranch Land trail for further PR on the land ownership. He suggested committee be re-branded as the BX Ranch Food Land Co-op.
  • Discussion on BX School letter to Ministry of Transportation & Infrastrcture. Was suggested a delegation be sent to the school board meeting. Bob Fleming looking into making a presentation.
  • Beckie reported on Facebook status.
 Under New Business:
  • Executive Directors: Terry Slobodin President; Belinda Stewart Vice-President; Terry Donnelly Secretary; Ray Ivey Treasurer.

Next Meeting on June 13, 2018 7:00 pm @ B.X. Fire Hall.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

January 2018 Minutes

Greetings Bloggers,

The items of discussion from the January meeting is as follows:
Under Old Business;
  • No Electoral Representative update due to no representatives being present.
  • Update Paul Re: G.V.A.C. presentation. One year extension was passed before G.V.A.C. pursues sale of the land.  Motion made for Paul write a letter to the Minister of Agriculture (Ms Popham) to bring to her attention the Society’s intent to develop an agricultural park in the BX Ranchlands area (Motion Seconded and Carried by Paul/Ray).  Mike has pressed for G.V.A.C. to make a decision but so far Coldstream and Vernon have not been swayed. There is an open meeting of the planning group every 4th Thursday at the Fire Hall.  Several task forces need to be set up so canvassing for Chair People for committees.
  • Ray to invite the newly appointed Manager of Community Works Mr. Fox to the next monthly meeting.  Terry and Belinda will draft some possible items for discussion.
  •  Belinda will circulate draft letter to Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to executive members via email.
Under New Business
  • Ray reported that all non - profit organizations must comply with new regulations for BC Societies.  By- Laws may require altering all unalterable clauses must be changed to alterable. He has approached Davidson (lawyers) asking for a price.  Motion Ray to get information and circulate required changes. (Motion Seconded & Carried by Paul/Terry D)
  • Proposal for the Assoc. to create a "Facebook" page. Discussion on purpose and use to follow.
  • Annual General Meeting upcoming.  Proposed agricultural park will be the focus of the A.G.M. with usual business.
  • Mike Moyer invited to May meeting (Motion Seconded & Carried by Paul/Terry D)
 Some of these topics will be further discussed.  So keep checking the blog for more updates.  Questions and comments can be left below for assoc. perusal.

Friday, January 12, 2018

December 2017 Minute Summary

Greetings Bloggers,

The meeting in Dec. was well attended.  Topics are below...
Under Old Business
  • Agreement with Spallumcheen to create a 200,000,000 L reservoir which will allow for sufficient pressure for further hydrants.
  • BX Ranchlands presentation was well received. Point well made. Recommendations focus on main points of engaging younger people, refrain from personal political ideology.
  • Concern raised that Grey Canal trail sections need small parking lots. Letter to be written to R.D.N.O.
  • Mutrie Park. The parking has been expanded and fenced.
  • Update Paul Re: G.V.A.C. presentation Dec 07 2017.  Paul outlined costs incurred by the Oct meeting. He raised the question of the BX/Swan Lake Community Association continuing to support the ongoing drive to maintain the 'BX Ranchlands' as an entity if the decision from G.V.A.C. is positive. To be further discussed at future meetings...
  • The newly appointed Manager of Community Works (R.D.N.O.) is to be invited to a monthly meeting.
Under New Business
  • Paul raised the question of whether members would be interested in volunteering to work on restoration of some of the trails in the wooded section of the BX Ranch Park. Mike cautioned involvement Re: liability.  He suggested some of the Fire Protection employees and monies could be used for this purpose.
  • Increasing awareness of BX/Swan Lake Community Association. Suggestions included possibly having the Fire Hall to advertise meetings on their sign board?  Man a table at The Farmers Market?  Form a group email.  Topic to be further discussed...
  • Recommendation that the Association create a Face Book account to take advantage of social media.  Once official, it will be posted in the blog.
Next meeting Jan 10th 2018 at the BX/Swan Lake Fire Hall