Here's the minutes from May 2018 below.
No Guests
Under Old Business:
- Area "B" update, association informed about property evaluation of the BX Ranch land, trail acquisition, fencing BX ranch land (complete), portable toilets for the Rail Trail and sewer system update.
- Paul Williamson, reporting on the BX Ranch Land Committee, said committee is waiting on the official opening of the BX Ranch Land trail for further PR on the land ownership. He suggested committee be re-branded as the BX Ranch Food Land Co-op.
- Discussion on BX School letter to Ministry of Transportation & Infrastrcture. Was suggested a delegation be sent to the school board meeting. Bob Fleming looking into making a presentation.
- Beckie reported on Facebook status.
- Executive Directors: Terry Slobodin President; Belinda Stewart Vice-President; Terry Donnelly Secretary; Ray Ivey Treasurer.
Next Meeting on June 13, 2018 7:00 pm @ B.X. Fire Hall.