Wednesday, January 23, 2008

As noted below, the Annual General Meeting for the association will be held on Monday January 28, 2008 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM at the BX Elementary School. Matters to be discussed shall include GOVERNANCE both local and valley wide; MEAT INSPECTION REGULATION; BOSS CREEK DEVELOPMENT plus other issues. Membership is vital to any association, so please give thought to becoming a member and also to becoming a director. Good and diversified input helps create an association with vitality and sound forward thinking. Please be involved. Membership is only $5.00 per year per person. Directorship is free!


Anonymous said...

Testing ,, testing

Anonymous said...

Re. change in Governance; I agree we need change ,because-
Canada on a per capita basis has more people in Government than any other country in the western world.
We have free trade with countries around the world but do not have free trade between our own Provinces.(A Cdn. predicament).
We must amalgamate, to operate more effiently,cut costs, and eliminate Red Tape and discord.
I believe like communities should amalgamate, I live in the Bx therefore I would like to see us join Spallumcheem.
1. to keep BX rural.
2. we are neighbors
3.they have existing infra structure.
4.they have operational municipal offices.
Mainly we are both rural and want to remain that way. (I hope).