Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 1st, 2013 Latest Blog

Hello Bloggers,

     Short entry with the highlight of last meeting (in Apr. 2013.)  The meeting had a presenter Re:  Internment Historical sites in B.C. (and across Canada.)  Named the "Sunflower Project" because the immigrants brought seeds with them to Canada from Europe and other areas.  The sites were used during the First World War and the Vernon site was the last to close in 1920.
     Link and more specific information can be found and the following website:
Excerpt from the website:  "Beginning in Vernon, one of the 24 internment camp locations, Loughery and her team will provide educational workshops in each community. These events, focused on information and story collection, will engage all generations and affected groups within the community. The goal of each workshop will be to share the cultural history of the people featured in the mural, and to create opportunities for social healing and the promotion of human rights."
     This led to lengthy discussion, but if anyone wants to comment or share thoughts on support, please leave comments below, email the assoc at '' , or contact the artist directly through the address above.
     Also there is a news release mentioning the "Sunflower Project" at the following address:,%202013.pdf

     The O.C.P. imput process ended for Areas B & C on Apr. 22nd, 2013.  This doesn't mean the process is over and by the fall (in or around there) there will be a request for the public to review the plan.  It was described as 'Did we get it right?' as the presenter phrased it at the A.G.M.

Well that's all for now, stay tuned as more information will be posted as we get it and please leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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