Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas Entry

Hi Everyone,

This blog comes in lieu of the minutes of the last meeting.  They are coming but the holidays have got us busier than expected.  So when the minutes are received we will post the subjects here.

The directorship wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  This month had no directorship meeting and they will resume in January (on the 20th) of 2016.
A few topics that some found interesting enough to mention here are:

If there's any others that some may feel are worth sharing for discussion.  Please leave them in the comment section below...

Friday, November 20, 2015

October Executive Minutes

From the October meeting,

The minutes covered the following topics. 
  • Seed Library (see previous post)
  • From the UBCM meeting, Area "B" representative brought up the topic of annexation and the need for protocols.  Concerns included preserving upper reservoir lakes and shared usage/habitat.
  • Some Area B residents (where density allows) will have some fire hydrants installed.  Criteria involves pipe size, line size and flow.
  • Trail built from Lakeview drive to Kal Lake Observation point.
  • Sewer proposal (see previous post.)
  • Kal Lake drive has a speed limit of 60Km/Hr.
  • The association supports the CN Trail rail plan.
  • Stickle road (see previous post.)
  • Association supports the BX Ranchlands Park (166 acre parcel) which is the last parcel of the BX Ranch Property.
  • Kamloops has started a "Young Farmers" program which encourages contracts for 4-5 years with shared equipment and implements.  Questions re: possible development in this area.
These are topics for consideration and comments (which can be left below.)  More to follow when November's meeting minutes are available.

Note:  The executive directors won't be meeting in the month of December.  However, comments & questions can be left in the comment section and we will do our best to answer them.

Lastly, the association wishes everyone a enjoyable, safe and Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays too.)

Thursday, October 29, 2015

October 29th, 2015

Greetings again,

Pardon the length of the time but once a month is our average it seems.

Topic of most interest mentioned at the last executive meeting include:

The 'Swan Lake Corridor' is working towards Memorandum of Understanding with Spallumcheen Re: Sewer development.  We will include more information when available.

The "Kalamalka Seed Library" is operational.  Karen Friesen and Jennifer Sigalet are located at the Vernon Campus Library.  Seeds are collected and preserved in a collaboration with Patchwork Farms and the Kalamalka Demonstration Garden on the Vernon Campus of the UBC-O.

Third proposal for Stickle Road from the Ministry of Transportation is coming soon.

 Also, this disheartened many who were informed of this activity described in the article link below.

Also here's a letter to the editor Re: the Civic Arena
(Also for those who remember her, it's good to see Inge Friesen commenting.  She was involved with the association and assisted the Directors for "B" & "C" only 5 years ago.)

Lastly, the work on the BX-Swan Lake Fire Hall is continuing, here's some more information.  http://www.1075kiss.com/top-news/2015/10/27/delays-push-fire-hall-opening-back

Well, that's all for now.  Unless there's topics that the readers would like to have discussed, left in the comment section.

We will open with a wish for everyone to enjoy a Happy (and Safe) Halloween.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Sept. 2015


The summer has sped by, quicker than expected.  The assoc. directorship has had one meeting and numerous topics were discussed.  One have even been mentioned in the local radio news.  http://www.1075kiss.com/top-news/2015/09/18/proposed-dog-parkwalking-trail-in-bx
Of course this is in an early preliminary stage and as the article mentions, dependent on the A.L.C. ruling. 

Speaking of parks, the President of the Assoc. was very impressed with the new athletics park.  As also mentioned in the Morning Star http://www.vernonmorningstar.com/news/323268621.html
and we are pleased at the initial reception and expected high use of the facility.

Also with the Federal election coming up in October, we would like to implore all able voters to vote on or before Oct.19, 2015.  We are apolitical association so we understand individuals have different opinions on the candidates so we just encourage citizens to participate.

That's all for now, more coming after the minutes are available.  We wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Please feel free to comment on these or other subjects in the space below.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Update on the Regulatory Review of the Agricultural Waste Control Regulation


The assoc. is still on hiatus (with Director's meeting,) however we have received notice about the title of the blog.  Sounds quite involved however, we were told that anyone interested could reply to the Provincial Ministry before Aug. 31st, 2015.

Here is the general overview from the government http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/waste-management/industrial-waste/agriculture

Then the specific pdf document http://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/environment/waste-management/industrial-waste/industrial-waste/agriculture/awcr-review-2nd-policy-paper_july-2-2015.pdf 
N.B. it is 12 pages long.

All interested people should read and submit a response for ministry consideration (before the due date above.)
"The overarching goal for the revised regulation is:  Manure, agricultural wastes, agricultural products and byproducts, wood waste, mortalities, and other materials produced and used on an agricultural operation are managed in a manner that protects the environment and human health."

and will comply with other legislation
"Requirements will be harmonized with existing related regulations, including the Organic Matter Recycling Regulation (OMRR), the newly enacted Water Sustainability Act, the Farm Practices Protection Act (FPPA), the Public Health Act, the Forest & Range Practices Act, the Range Act, and the Land Act – and their respective regulations."

Submissions can be sent (electronically) to env.ag.reg.reviews@gov.bc.ca
Posted Mail submissions P.O. Box 28159 Westshore RPO, Victoria, BC  V9B 6K8.

Thanks for your time,

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Summer Notice +

Hi all,

     Just a quick notice Re: "Summer", updates and other subjects of interest.

     In the summer, (next two months) the association's directorship will be taking a hiatus from our regular monthly meetings.  We can still be contacted through the email (bxslca@hotmail.com) and the comments on this blog.  Minutes are still being processed, your patience is greatly appreciated.

     Interesting conversation regarding "North Westside Jurisdiction" over water and other related issues.  http://www.vernonmorningstar.com/news/309358601.html 

     Other issues that Minister of Agriculture (Mr. Letnik) being is discussed recently http://www.campbellrivermirror.com/opinion/309914841.html

     In conclusion, this is short and sweet for the sake of brevity.  Comments are of course, welcome (on various issues/subjects)

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

June Blog

Greetings Everyone,

Sorry for the delay in posts, the A.G.M. minutes are coming when available.

In this blog we will comment on the main topics of last meeting.
  • A motion has been made to write a letter to the recently established Swan Lake Business Association to support the proposed Regional Sewer Service for the 'Swan Lake corridor'.
  • As for the Provincial Government wanting to change parts of the electoral Area B and C to Shuswap jurisdiction (http://www.vernonmorningstar.com/news/297833111.html.)  The assoc. has sent a letter in opposition to it.  Two main reasons is one, the electoral area that remains would face increase in local tax rate as well as two, the area residents that are moved to the Shuswap area would have to travel to Salmon Arm to vote instead of the current location of Vernon.

These subjects were the main ones for discussion that affect local area residents.  Anyone that would like a copy of the letter that was sent Re: Proposed Boundary Changes of B & C to the Shuswap can do so by emailing the assoc. at bxslca@hotmail.com.  Also comments made below would be appreciated as well.

Thanks for your time.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Post Meeting Blog (Pre A.G.M.)

Greetings Again,

To start this blog we will respond to the comment from February's blog.  Specifically, the inquiry to water supply and the rezoning of properties on (7961) Silver Star Road. We believe the following link/pdf file will address most questions.

 The Annual General Meeting has been scheduled for Monday, Apr. 20th, 2015 at the Best Western Vernon Lodge (7 P.M. - 9 P.M. in the Okanagan Room.)  New memberships and/or renewals will be $5.00, guests are welcome.  Agenda topics will be posted before the meeting on the Morning Star Boxes (near the mailboxes) in Regional Areas "B" & "C".  As well, posted here once finalized.

Recently in the Morning Star publication there was a proposal to divide Regional District Area "B" basically in half.  One half being still R.D.N.O. while the other section would be in the Shuswap constituency.  The initial article wasn't as informative and the more recent one that was in Apr. 3rd, 2015 publication.  The following link takes you to the article.
The following quote is quite succinct in our opinion...
Issues round this table could involve two MLAs from two political parties,” said Bob Fleming, BX-Swan Lake director.  “I don’t think it makes any sense. The biggest consideration is what could happen at the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee. It seems complicated to have two MLAs carrying our message.” Also contained in the article is the public feedback stated as "Residents can review the commission’s preliminary recommendations and provide input online or by e-mail by May 26. Public hearings will also be held across B.C."  Suffice to say, if you want your opinion to be heard please participate in the input time frame as cited in the article.

 So this short blog will cover these three topics.  To conclude this entry, the directorship and members of the association wish everyone a Happy Easter

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Letter to Editor + one other item.

Greetings Again,

Meeting this month is pending due to a couple of guests that had scheduling conflicts.  Thus the next meeting is this upcoming Tuesday evening @ 7 P.M., in the People Place meeting room on March 24th, 2015.  However as this entry's title suggests there are a couple things to share.

First, there is a letter that has been submitted to the Morning Star Paper (Letters to the Editor) Re: Annexation.  It reads as below:

     "This letter is written on behalf of the B.X./Swan Lake Community Association in response to several recent public comments regarding amalgamation, proposed further annexation of properties from the Electoral Areas by the City of Vernon, and the faulty perception that residents of these areas are freeloading at the expense of Vernon taxpayers.
     Choice. Residents of the Electoral Areas B and C have generally made an active choice to live there as we prefer a more rural life style rather than an urban one.  We have a variety of reasons for making this choice.  In a recent survey, residents of Areas B and C soundly rejected joining the City of Vernon, opting to maintain their current status as electoral areas.
     Taxes. Yes some of our property taxes are lower but we also receive fewer services. We do not have street lighting, sidewalks, sewer, garbage pickup, or  transit. Fire protection is provided by volunteers.  We pay our full share for recreational, cultural, policing, hospital and school facilities.   We support local events, businesses and retail outlets and volunteer for many local service organizations.  In short, we are full community members

     Annexation.  All too often in the past, annexations have benefited the developers at the expense of City taxpayers. The annexations have contributed to urban sprawl with little regard for agricultural land or sensitive environments.  Frequently these developments, like The Rise or The Outback, only have seasonal residents whose contribution to the community is limited.  As Vernon takes over more of the electoral areas, the Vernon taxpayers have to pay more taxes to maintain roads and policing costs while diminishing the Electoral Areas ability to support their own services.  In the past industries have been established within areas zoned as industrial.  However, the City has permitted residential developments immediately adjacent to those designated zones, residents complained, and the industries were forced to relocate. This has happened several times. Is this to happen again on the Swan Lake Corridor where there are already long standing rural residences? Where is the public consultation?
     Please respect the choices that people in Areas B and C have made and recognize we are real community citizens.  The City of Vernon does not need more land. There is already enough vacant land within City boundaries to accommodate development for decades.  If you think your taxes are too high and rising too fast, ask your City Council how much it  actually costs you, the taxpayer, to annex more and more property
Belinda Stewart,  Secretary to the B.X/Swan Lake Community Association

The indents are for space saving format (instead of blank lines separating the paragraphs.)  We believe that this letter has also been forwarded to the Kelowna Courier as well.  Please feel free to leave comments below.

Another issue came up in the Morning Star today...
Gravel pit rules adopted
There are now firm rules regarding gravel pits in Greater Vernon’s rural areas.
The Regional District of North Okanagan board has adopted a soil removal and deposit bylaw for BX-Swan Lake (Area B) and BX-Silver Star (Area C).
“It conforms to Ministry of Mines regulations,” said Mike Macnabb. BX-Silver Star director.
“It doesn’t prohibit but it regulates soil removal and deposits.”
Some BX residents have been concerned about the potential impact of gravel pits, and particularly with noise, dust and hours of operation.
The bylaw doesn’t apply to existing operations.
A proposed pit on Brentwood Road would be considered new and would have to conform to the bylaw.

Friday, March 6, 2015

March - Minutes from Feb. Executive meeting

Hi all,

Short review of minutes from the last meeting.
Some issues have been mostly covered in the Morning Star.  Re:  Rail Trail that Lake Country is going to referendum.  Annexation of the Swan Lake Corridor as well as 'block annexations'.

Other issues are Bylaw 2647 coming to Board for 3rd reading Feb 18th. Which is the "Soil Removal and Deposit Bylaw" as cited in the RDNO minutes from Jan. 2015 (http://www.rdno.ca/minutes/150107_MIN_BoD.pdf)

Swan Lake corridor annexation coming to a meeting Feb 18th. A formal protocol is being proposed by Electoral Area Reps Re: Boundary Extensions.

Lastly, the upcoming Annual General Meeting is tentatively scheduled for April, 20th, 2015 at the "Best Western Vernon Lodge".  Notices to be posted on the Morning Star boxes when ready.  Topics will listed on them.  Returning or new members will have a $5.00 membership fee, guests are welcome.

Short mention for now, we will be posting another blog in a couple weeks.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Feb. 2015 = Winter Carnival Parade Day

Greetings all,

Pardon the lapse in posting but Christmas wasn't that long ago, January was catch up for some of us and February saw some of us out of country.  Meetings therefore were postponed during this time.  We would have posted a post but it was temporarily not updated.

Here, is the day of the parade, 87 entries in the parade so we hope all that spectated the event enjoyed it, even in the 'liquid sunshine'.  We hope the rest of the events of carnival see as good of turnout.

In other news, here's a recent article on area amalgamation.  http://www.vernonmorningstar.com/opinion/290713491.html Interesting that information provided is deemed not to be "recent" so let your representatives know what your opinions are now.  Then perhaps, this issue will be brought up when desired and not to fulfill 'campaign promises' as the article comments.
The supposed 'outdated' info. can be reviewed/downloaded from http://www.rdno.ca/index.php/services/planning-building/planning-projects/electoral-area-annexation-impact-study .
For the other article on annexation was one we found interesting and recent http://www.vernonmorningstar.com/news/290989561.html "Swan Lake sought by city."  As Mr. Fleming succinctly said "It represents 22 per cent of our total tax base in Areas B and C and 35 per cent of the tax requisition for fire protection. It won’t be transferred to the city without compensation.”  For if not compensated, we would face increased tax rate for same fire protection.

This is it for now, the blog will also be updated again this month after our next executive meeting, which will be 7 PM, Tuesday, Feb. 17th, 2015 @ "the People Place".  Interested individuals wishing to attend can R.S.V.P. by calling (250) - 542 - 1056.

Until then keep reading & writing,