Thursday, October 29, 2015

October 29th, 2015

Greetings again,

Pardon the length of the time but once a month is our average it seems.

Topic of most interest mentioned at the last executive meeting include:

The 'Swan Lake Corridor' is working towards Memorandum of Understanding with Spallumcheen Re: Sewer development.  We will include more information when available.

The "Kalamalka Seed Library" is operational.  Karen Friesen and Jennifer Sigalet are located at the Vernon Campus Library.  Seeds are collected and preserved in a collaboration with Patchwork Farms and the Kalamalka Demonstration Garden on the Vernon Campus of the UBC-O.

Third proposal for Stickle Road from the Ministry of Transportation is coming soon.

 Also, this disheartened many who were informed of this activity described in the article link below.

Also here's a letter to the editor Re: the Civic Arena
(Also for those who remember her, it's good to see Inge Friesen commenting.  She was involved with the association and assisted the Directors for "B" & "C" only 5 years ago.)

Lastly, the work on the BX-Swan Lake Fire Hall is continuing, here's some more information.

Well, that's all for now.  Unless there's topics that the readers would like to have discussed, left in the comment section.

We will open with a wish for everyone to enjoy a Happy (and Safe) Halloween.

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