Here's the topics of interest from January's meeting.
Old Business:
- Sewer service survey is underway. The final report should be completed by the end of March or early April.
- Fire Hydrant installation may commence in the spring.
- Purchase of the 167 acres of the B.X Ranch is pending on A.L.C. approval of the land being used for non agricultural purposes. Parks has also acquired land off Crane road (adjacent to Swan Lake) and Camp Hurlburt.
- Re: Rail Trail. The rail company are currently lifting the rails in the section between Kelowna and Oyama.
- B.X. Firehall: the expansion proceeding and many improvements noted. There will be an official opening.
- Question was raised as to why the developer of the property at the head of Brentwood Road was allowed to move the fence into the Grey Canal trail in order to build an access road to the back of his property. More information may be received on this issue later.
- Additional Re: Brentwood Road. Residents of this road have discovered that the road is to be widened and upgraded in sections. The work is to be done by Mertion. Residents do not support the need for this work and are opposed to the developer of land at the head of the road being permitted to do the work.
- Also, A local property owner outlined the problem he is experiencing regarding water from The Foothills running into his property and flooding his lands. He is hiring and financing a Hydro-Geological study to determine changes in water ground water flow as a result of the development of the area above his property. It appears the water that used to flow east towards B.X Creek has been diverted to flow to the west of Silver Star Road.
New Business:
- A.G.M. date set April 19th 2016 at Vernon Lodge. Topics proposed so far are:-
+ Swan Lake Sewer Proposal
+ Installation of neighborhood fire hydrants
+ Seed Library at Okanagan College and seed saving
+ Installation of neighborhood fire hydrants
+ Seed Library at Okanagan College and seed saving
- A member inquired Re: the O.C.P. process and the integrity of its recommendations. Why local bylaws were changed to fit provincial legislation?. Some explanation was given how this could have occurred when multiple matters are passed under one motion. Bob Fleming is in agreement with drawing up a motion for R.D.N.O. to supply documentation to raise awareness re potential outcomes of when there is blanket adoption of Provincial regulations. Further there should automatically be a a public meeting re potential adverse consequences.
- New Ampitheatre proposal Topic: Tabled
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