Friday, December 6, 2019

November 2019 Minutes

Greetings Readers,

Below are the minutes from the meeting in November.

Minutes of the General Meeting of the B.X./Swan Lake Community Association, November 28th 2019, at the BX/Swan Lake Fire Hall Meeting Room

Chair:  Paul Williamson
Present:  Ray Ivey, Terry Donnelly, Terry Slobodin, Harry Knopf, Karl Ernst, Mike MacNabb, Brian Nicholson, Beckie Mertion, Blair Peden, Henrik Larson, Arnell Larson, Bill Pifer, Trevor Likus, Belinda Stewart, Mike Richardson, Bob Fleming, Amanda Shatzko.

Call to order 7:08 pm.

Agenda approved. Moved by Ray, seconded by Mike MacNabb.

Minutes of Oct. 24th, 2019 meeting approved. Moved by Ray; seconded by Beckie.

Area B and C Reports
  • Area C  Director Amanda Shatzko reported on the BX School renovation. City of Vernon insisting on annexation before sewer hook-up. A.I.M. highway maintenance paving in Regional District of the North Okanagan.  Requesting Ministry of Transportation and Infracstrcture fund widening of road shoulders. Forestry Ministry to conduct controlled burns for fire suppression in the Silver Star Road corridor.
  • Area B Director Bob Fleming noted residents can sign up for updates on the Regional District of the North Okanagan website. R.D.N.O. raising $78,000 from Areas B, C, D and E plus Lumby and Armstrong for a conservation fund project to make grants available to residents for environmental upgrades.  Also noted Fire Smart funding available to residents for problem brush clearing.
  • Guest Speaker Presentation : Mike Richardson, Conservation Officer, gave an informative and entertaining talk on wildlife safety. He provided a number for R.A.P.P. (Report All Poachers and Polluters) 1-877-952-7277.
Meeting adjourned 9:00pm. Next meeting will be on January 23rd, 2020.

Please feel welcome to leave comment, inquiries or questions below in the comment section.

Lastly, the B.X. Swan Lake Association, hopes everyone has an enjoyable and safe Holiday Season (Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, etcetera) as well as an enjoyable and prosperous New Year.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

October 2019 Executive Minutes

Greetings Bloggers,

Minutes of the General Meeting of the B.X./Swan Lake Community Association, 24 October 2019, at the BX/Swan Lake Fire Hall Meeting Room
Chair:  Paul Williamson
Present:  Ray Ivey, Terry Donnelly, Terry Slobodin, Harry Knopf, Karl Ernst, Sue Urquhart, Dale Urquhart, Marg Bomford.
Call to order 7:00 pm.
Agenda approved.

Minutes of 18 September approved. Moved by Ray; seconded by Terry
  • Discussion starting with communication. Sue Urquhart volunteered to be information officer. Sue to take responsibility to line up guest speakers.
  • Discussion of membership. Decided against making all residents and property owners automatically members of the association. Secretary, Terry Donnelly, to maintain membership list and an email contact list. 

  • Blair Peden absent so no report on fire mitigation in the BX canyon.

  • RDNO update: Bob Fleming and Amanda Shatzko unable to attend. No report.

  • Harry Knopf reported on the stage coach. To purchase a new stage coach would cost $50,000 U.S. Dollars. Looking into other possibilities. 

  • B.X. Ranch Land: Vernon Regional District of the North Okanagan members on board. Report they will not push for sale of the land for a year.

  • Regional District of the North Okanagan has grants available for projects under the title “Greater Vernon Trails and Natural Spaces”.

  • Noted the Land to Table group has a meeting scheduled at the Vernon Public Art Gallery 6:00 to 8:00pm October 29, 2019.

Meeting adjourned 8:08pm Next meeting Thursday, November 28th, 2019.

Please feel free to leave comments (or questions) below.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Sept. 2019 Minutes

Greetings Bloggers,

Here's the topics of discussion from the last executive meeting, after the usual business the topics were:
  • Discussion starting with communication. Possibilities of a web site, a blog, a portal or Facebook. Decided to explore developing a web site. Marge volunteered to investigate costs involved including domain name and annual fees.
  • Discussion of membership. Need to find who has the current membership list. Need to update bylaws to restrict voting membership to Area "B" and "C" residents and property owners only.
  • Decided to move monthly meeting to the fourth Thursday. Paul requested suggestions for guest speakers and topics. Topics suggested were pocket gophers, noxious weeds, rats, and bee keeping. If you have additional ideas please contact Paul.
  • BX Ranch Land update by Mike MacNabb. Mike and Ray to draft a concept paper. Mike to deliver to John Janmaat, professor at UBCO, to expand on the community importance of keeping the land in public hands
  • Special events update. No date set yet for opening of BX Ranch Land ‘Connector’ Trail. Would like ideas for a public event in the spring of 2020.
  • Blair presented a report on his meeting with Tolko.
Next meeting will be on Thursday, Oct. 24th, 2019.
Feel free to leave comments or questions below, (in the comment section.)

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

June 2019 Minutes

Greetings Bloggers,
Pardon the tardy posting of the minutes from June.  Also, the association is off for two months for summer break.  Minutes are below:

Minutes of the Executive Meeting of the B.X./Swan Lake Community Association, 19 June 2019, at the BX/Swan Lake Fire Hall Meeting Room

Chair:  Paul Williamson
Present:  Ray Ivey, Terry Donnelly, Terry Slobodin, Mike MacNabb, Paul Williamson, Blair Peden, Sue Urquhart, Dale Urquhart, Harry Knopf, Marg Bomford, Bill Wacey, Bob Fleming, Linda Ensing, Beckie Mertion, Klayton Mertion, Dave Friesen, Cheryl Truscott.

Call to order 7:07 pm.

Agenda approved. Moved by Ray, seconded by Terry Slobodin.

Minutes approved. Moved by Ray, seconded by Linda.

  • Discussion with Bill Wacey about the availability of the fire hall for meetings. He would like the association to coordinate with Block Watch as either Bill or his second has to come and open the hall.
  • Introduction of speaker Tessa Wetherill, Land Matcher – Okanagan-Thompson, with the Young Agrarians. Tessa spoke on the mandate of matching land owners with young farmers and explained the practical and legal requirements of the matching process.
  • Paul gave a short BX Ranchland update, bringing the membership up to speed on the Monashee Equine Group and their proposal for a school on the ranchland.
  • Bob Fleming gave an Area B update, reporting the regional district board has officially requested the sub-division of the BX Ranchlands. Areas B and C directors would like the remainder land to be a local park. Swan Lake Waste Water project is waiting on funding. There is a new reservoir going ahead above Baker Hogg Road. The regional district board is still discussing locations for Search and Rescue’s new building.
Meeting adjourned 8:41pm
Next meeting 18 September 2019.

Please leave comments or questions below in the comment section.

Friday, June 14, 2019

May Minutes 2019

Hi again,
Here's the minutes of last month's meeting, May 15th, 2019.

Chair:  Ray Ivey
Present:  Ray Ivey, Terry Donnelly, Terry Slobodin, Mike MacNabb, Paul Williamson, Ted Vanderwal, Elaine Vanderwal, Mel Johnson, Amanda Shatzko.
Call to order 7:03 pm.
No agenda presented.
  • Installed executive. President Paul Williamson. Treasurer Ray Ivey, Secretary Terry Donnelly. Directors: Blair Peden, Beckie Mertion, Belinda Stewart, Terry Slobodin.
New/Old Business
  • Discussion on the BX Ranch lands included forming a co-op, bringing in other groups such as Young Agrarians, community gardens, possible site for compost collection, leasing small plots to young farmers at fair competitive rates, contacting groups to send letters of support to R.D.N.O. board and City of Vernon as well as Coldstream, and the need for a speaker to present the association’s proposal to the councils.
Meeting adjourned 8:28pm Next meeting 19 June 2019.

It is a short read, but the next post should follow the expected format.
Feel free to leave comments or questions in the area below.

AGM Minutes from April 2019

Greetings Readers,
A little later post than expected but here's the minutes of the Annual General Meeting from April 2019.
Chair:  Ray Ivey
Present:  Ray Ivey, Ted Vanderwal, Beckie Mertion,  Terry Donnelly, Terry Slobodin,  Harry Knopf, Bob Fleming, Amanda Shatzko, Belinda Stewart, Mel Johnson, Peggy Johnson, Sue Urquart, Dale Urquart, Paul Williamson, Marg Bomford, Norm Friesen, Jim Coughlin.
  • Call to order 7:05 pm.
  • Introduction of directors. Terry Slobodin, pres. Belinda Stewart, vice pres. Ray Ivey, treasurer. Terry Donnelly, secretary. Paul Williamson, Blair Peden. Beckie Mertion.
  • Approved agenda. Moved Terry D, seconded Belinda.
  • Approve and adopt 2018 AGM minutes. No questions arising from minutes.
AGM Business
  • Financial Report by Ray. See attachment. Motion to accept Sue, seconded Belinda.
  • Motion from the floor to not appoint an auditor. Passed unanimously.
  •  Directors asked if they’re willing to remain on board. All accepted.
  • No volunteers for directors.
  • Election of officers delayed until next executive meeting.
  • End of A.G.M. ()Business) 7:13pm.
Questions and Answers period...
  • Paul Williamson presented BX Ranch Land update.
  • Discussions at RDNO all in camera.
  • Water licence on BX Creek still an issue.
  • City of Vernon interested in land from the BX Community Park for flood control.
  • Issues with the placement of the fence on the BX Ranch Land.
  • Not enough water from Greater Vernon Services to fully service BX Ranch Land.
  • Possible use of ranch land as storm water dissipation from the new Reservoir residential development.
  • Proposal of a letter to be sent to the Reservoir residential developer to ask for support to retain the BX Ranch Land in public hands.
  • Bob Fleming presented Area B update.
  • BX Ranch Land linear park opening this year. Access gates to the linear park from Mutrie Park, BX Community Park, Black Rock Road and 4122 East Vernon Road.
  • BX Ranch Land still on agenda at RDNO.
  • Waste water plant approved through the petition process now awaiting grants from senior government.
  • Greater Vernon Services developing a new reservoir on Baker Hogg Road. Possible new fire hydrant in that area.
  • Improvements planned to the new Swan Lake Park on old C.J.I.B. tower property.
  • New money allotted for repairs to the B.X. Falls trail.
  • Amanda Shatzko presented Area C update.
  • A proposal for BX Falls Trail for portable bridges.
  • Had meeting with new Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure contractor AIM concerning potholes and possible paved shoulders.
  • Paul to write letter to AIM to identify problem areas.
  • Sue asked about changes to the Agricultural Land Commission rules making it more difficult to put a second residence on a property. Amanda pointed out that individuals can no longer apply but rather must go through the local municipality nor can they appeal the decision.
  • Also brought up with AIM problems with dust mitigation. A.I.M. says they have new technology that will provide higher standards for snow removal requiring less sand.
  • A.I.M. will publish an 800 phone number for concerns from residents.
Meeting adjourned 8:51 pm.

Feel free to leave comments or questions below.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Draft Letter Re: Proposed Park

 The draft version of this letter is below:

The BX Swan Lake Community Association is strongly in favour of retaining the BX Ranch land property in public hands. The community, including residents of Vernon and Coldstream, have supported public ownership of this unique and centrally located 135 acres through a 1500 name petition. We have a committee working hard to find partners to develop the land as an agricultural park. But until public ownership is assured it is difficult for organizations to invest time and expertise in its future.

The land in question is a community asset situated on the city’s eastern boundary adjacent to the East Hill area, one of the densest populations in the regional district. A property of equal value to the BX Ranch land will never again be available. In the public domain it would contribute to the whole area’s recreational potential.

Representatives from Vernon and Coldstream wish to sell the ranch land and use the funds to purchase land for parks in their own jurisdictions. However, it would be impossible to acquire any property within those boundaries with as much future potential for the citizens of the community as a whole.

There is also the matter of fairness. The taxpayers of areas B and C contribute to parks in Vernon and Coldstream and we have a right to expect support for parks in our areas. This has not been the case up to now. The small amount of land that has been purchased is much less than our financial contribution warrants.

City politicians also have projects in their jurisdictions that they expect areas B and C to subsidize. Residents of our areas make good use of these parks and other recreational facilities. However, Vernon and Coldstream residents also use our parks and, in the future, would also benefit from a large green space with its potential for many recreational and agricultural activities.

There is no downside for taxpayers holding this property. There are no costs to the Regional District of the North Okanagan to keep this unique and valuable property in the public hands. In fact, the land returns money to the public purse through the lease payments of a local framer currently using the land for hay production.

The BX Swan Lake Community Association encourages residents to imagine the possibilities. Holding this land as open green space, controlled locally, for the benefit of both city and regional residents, will be a legacy for future generations.

Here's the link to the Morning Star publication:
(you will have to copy this link to your browser's address bar)

If you would like to leave your comments, please do so below.

Minutes of March 2019 Meeting

Hi Bloggers,

Topics of discussion were:
  • Bob Fleming informed the waste water petition succeeded.  R.D.N.O. will have more information coming out as developments present themselves.
  • A replacement fire truck has been ordered for the B.X. Fire Dept, as one of the older trucks will be retired.  Also, R.D.N.O. has reached an agreement with the Okanagan Indian Band to provide fire protection for some R.D.N.O. properties in the vicinity of band property.
  • Amanda Shatzko has a meeting with Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure roads contractor Re: Road condition in Area "C"  beside B.X. Elementary school.  Also, heavy dump trucks using Francis St. to service the reservoir development.
  • Letter that was printed in the Morning Star "Letters to the Editor" Re: Proposed "Ranchlands" Park.  Mike MacNabb proposed a shorter letter to Vernon and Coldstream councils stating position.  Mr. Mertion suggested inquiring with the engineer for the reservoir development and ask for support to keep the proposed land as a public green space.
If you have comments or inquiries, please feel free to leave them below.

Friday, March 15, 2019

February 2019 Minutes

Greetings Bloggers,

Pardon the delay but here are the February's Minutes recap. With generous amounts of discussion on a short list of topics.

  • Mr. Paul Williamson gave an update Re: proposed Ranchlands Park.  As of the time of this writing, all discussions at R.D.N.O. will be "in camera."  (Which means it won't be publicly available.) Paul made a motion to have a press release to local jurisdictions stating that the Assoc. is strongly in favor of retaining the land as parkland.
  • Mr. Fleming mentioned Kin Race Track is a possible site for a gymnastics arena.  Other issues discussed are the city's plans for a sedimentation pond on the BX Ranch Park land (on BX road up from "Hunter's Store".)  
  • Possible storm water disposal from the old reservoir development on Mutrie Road.  As well as a new recreation center (possibly considered) on Kin Race Track site.
  • Further discussion followed about the possibility of asking for right of first refusal to purchase proposed 'BX Ranchlands' park.
Next meeting is scheduled Wednesday, Mar. 20th, 2019.

If you have comments on these (or other subjects) feel free to leave them below.