Friday, June 14, 2019

May Minutes 2019

Hi again,
Here's the minutes of last month's meeting, May 15th, 2019.

Chair:  Ray Ivey
Present:  Ray Ivey, Terry Donnelly, Terry Slobodin, Mike MacNabb, Paul Williamson, Ted Vanderwal, Elaine Vanderwal, Mel Johnson, Amanda Shatzko.
Call to order 7:03 pm.
No agenda presented.
  • Installed executive. President Paul Williamson. Treasurer Ray Ivey, Secretary Terry Donnelly. Directors: Blair Peden, Beckie Mertion, Belinda Stewart, Terry Slobodin.
New/Old Business
  • Discussion on the BX Ranch lands included forming a co-op, bringing in other groups such as Young Agrarians, community gardens, possible site for compost collection, leasing small plots to young farmers at fair competitive rates, contacting groups to send letters of support to R.D.N.O. board and City of Vernon as well as Coldstream, and the need for a speaker to present the association’s proposal to the councils.
Meeting adjourned 8:28pm Next meeting 19 June 2019.

It is a short read, but the next post should follow the expected format.
Feel free to leave comments or questions in the area below.

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