Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Results of governance questionnaire

At the September 3, 2008 meeting, the Regional Board authorized the preparation and distribution of a questionnaire to all residents of the electoral areas of the Regional District of North Okanagan. The results of the questionnaire are non-binding and for information only, and are hereby presented to the Regional Board. Although the Electoral Area Directors recognized that, without the completion of a restructure study, only general, non-specific information could be provided to the residents about the concepts of incorporation and amalgamation, they believed it was important to conduct an informal poll to confirm the general opinion of their residents with respect to whether they wish to see a change in the way they are currently governed. The Electoral Area Residents Questionnaire consisted of a questionnaire and an informational sheet that outlined the purpose of the questionnaire and provided general information about three governance options - remaining as part of an electoral area within the regional district, joining an existing Municipality, or creating a new, separate Municipality. Specifically, the questionnaire posed the following two questions: 1. Do you want to change the way your Electoral Area is governed, either by joining an existing Municipality or becoming a separate Municipality? _YES _NO 2. lf change happens, which option would you prefer: _ Join an existing Municipality _ Create a new Municipality ln addition, links to more information were provided on the RDNO website at www.rdno.calgovernance. A total of 5,709* questionnaires were successfully delivered to residential addresses in the electoral areas. A total of 1,103* responses were received, for an average response rate of 19%. * as of December 1, 2008 Electoral Areas B and C results: Question I was answered by 97.5 % of respondents, of which 75% were not in favour of change. Question 2 was answered by nearly 70% of respondents (slightly higher than the average of 65%), of which 56% favoured joining an existing municipality. All of us at the BX-Swan Lake Community Association wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. We look forward to continuing our efforts in 2009.

Friday, December 5, 2008

RDNO Slide Presentation

Under "LINKS" below right, you can view the RDNO slide presentation that was shown by Greg Betts at the informational meeting held at BX Elementary School on October 21, 2008. I'm sure we are all looking forward to seeing the results of the questionnaire that was sent out to the Electoral Areas regarding Incorporation, Amalgamation and Status Quo. My understanding is that the response rate was more than 20% which is very good! More later

Monday, November 10, 2008


An informational meeting was held by the BX-SWAN LAKE Community Association on October 21, 2008 7:30 PM at the BX Elementary school to provide information regarding the proposed ultimate annexation of most of Electoral Areas B & C into the City of Vernon as outlined in their Official Community Plan. Thanks and recognition were given to Mr. Stan Field and Mr. Cliff Kanester for their service and dedication to the concerns of residents in Electoral Areas B & C respectively, neither of which are seeking re-election. Mr. Mike Macnabb and Mr. Mike Gavinchuk were introduced as the new representatives. Presentations were made by Mr. Greg Betts, General Manager Electoral Area Services for Regional District of North Okanagan. Mr. Betts provided information on current our current governance regime (regional district) as well as some possible options. Mr. Betts used a slide presentation, which can be accessed at Ms. Kim Flick Manager of Planning and Building for City of Vernon then responded to the purpose and proposed timing of the proposed annexation as outlined in their OCP Alan Hill, Resident of Okanagan Landing, formerly Electoral Area A, outlined his perspective on what took place prior, during and since the annexation of Area A. Written questions from the floor were then directed by the chair to the appropriate presenter/s in order to clarify or to provide more information. Just prior to adjournment at 9:15 PM, the chair asked for a show of hands of those yet present to indicate those in favour of joining the City of Vernon and also those who were not. There were none who indicated they were in favour of joining the city, while approximately 95% indicated they were not. It must be noted that some people had left the meeting prior to this show of hands. Many of the questions from the floor involved issues pertaining to lands within the Agricultural Land Reserve. There was no one present to knowingly speak to these issues, so we are trying to arrange for someone to attend a local meeting to provide more information on these matters. Since the meeting, there have been some concerns surface regarding fire fighting/rescue services and the current jurisdictions within which these different entities are considered “First Responders". It appears, and I stand to be corrected on this, that the City of Vernon Fire Department would respond to incidents on Silver Star Road and The Foothills, while the BX/Swan Lake Fire Department would respond to incidents on both sides of Silver Star Road above Butcher Boys Store and areas around The Foothills. I hope that the welfare of those involved in an incident is not being superceded by some line on a map or some political whim. There is more involved in this issue and we will try to provide more information when we are able.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


The BX-SWAN LAKE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION will be hosting an informational meeting on Tuesday October 21 at 7:30 PM in the gymnasium of the BX Elementary School. At our Annual General Meeting of January 2008, we had a presentation of local governance options pertaining to amalgamation, incorporation or status quo by Mr. Greg Betts from RDNO which generated considerable interest and discussion. The Provincial Government was in the process of exploring and evaluating valley wide governance options at the time, and it was felt that we should hold off on further discussion of the options available to Areas B & C until the dust had settled on the valley wide governance issue. Nothing has yet been decided pertaining to this matter yet, so we are pressing forward with informing our residents on what our options may be pertaining to local governance. As you know, annexations by the City of Vernon of properties within Electoral Areas B & C have been ongoing. The City of Vernon has put forward an Official Community Plan which ultimately includes Areas B & C within it's boundaries. We know that some residents of Areas B & C are in favour of this action, some are not and others want to know if there are other options which may be explored. On Tuesday Oct 21, presentations will be made by Greg Betts from RDNO, Kim Flick Manager of Planning from the City of Vernon and Mr. Alan Hill, a resident of Okanagan Landing, formerly Area A and annexed by the City of Vernon. After the presentations are completed, written questions from the audience or questions that have been received prior to the meeting will be addressed to the appropriate presenters for the purpose of acquiring more information or clarifying some issues. All written questions will be processed through a moderator. Written questions will be accepted by email prior to the meeting by sending them to "" with "Oct 21 questions" in the subject line of the email message. We hope to see you there!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What is currently happening with Meat Inspection Regulations?

Taken from Page B13 Morning Star April 23 "The B.C. government is still allowing farmgate sales of meat to consumers as it attempts to bring rural areas up to new federal health standards. Meat is being sold as "uninspected" and is only for local consumers, not for retail or restaurant use" Please read the article for more complete information.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Amalgamate or Incorporate

Residents in Areas B & C continue to see land being annexed by the City of Vernon for more development. Under current regulations, there is little the residents can do to oppose annexation. More development means more traffic, less privacy, more water usage, more waste, more noise pollution, more light pollution and in general, more destruction of the way of life most of us wish to preserve. The link below "Amalgamate or Incorporate" outlines some of the options to consider for the protection of our lifestyle. You may email if you have any comments on this or any other matter relating to the BX-Swan Lake Community.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

March 27, 2008

It looks like the BX area NE of Vernon is considered to be in a "high pressure" area regarding the Pine Beetle. What this means is that there is about a 20% chance that the mature Ponderosa Pine in the area will survive over the next five years, with or without Sevin spray or Verbenone pouches. So it seems we must make our own decisions as individuals if we want to spend the money to try to protect them or not.
There is not much new to report because the minister cancelled the last meeting that was scheduled with his office so he could "read the recommendations" that were put forward by Birgit Johnson in her report. He must be still reading it as the meeting has yet to be re-scheduled. Cabinet shuffle or ????
Because more and more of Area "C" land is being swallowed up by the City of Vernon for developement purposes, it becomes increasingly clear that the residents of Areas "B" and "C"
must give purposeful consideration to taking steps to prevent more of this from happening if the way of life is to be maintained that so many of us are here for. See the back page of the Morning Star in last Sunday's issue.
There will be more on this issue on this site in the near future.
Water is getting to be an issue that also requires attention be paid to it. If the report in the Morning Star Wed March 19 page A21 is correct, the whole Okanagan Valley should be making some plans right now with a conservative eye to the future, particularly to new developement, better water use and management.
Tuesday April 15 7:30 PM Pantry Restaurant, Vernon (meeting room)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

More on Meat Inspection Regulation-Impact Report

There will be a presentation about the report to the Regional District North Okanagan board at 2 pm on Wednesday Feb 6 at the Regional District offices on Aberdeen Road, The Board may discuss the report, although the present resolution is to refer it to staff for comment. The meeting is open to the public. A meeting for producers and processors to review the assessment results, update everyone on meetings with provincial officials, and discuss next steps will be held on Feb 13, Wednesday at 6:30 pm at the Schubert Centre in Vernon. All are invited, and please spread the word.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Final Report On Meat Inspection Regulation

IMPACT OF THE MEAT INSPECTION REGULATION ON SLAUGHTER CAPACITY IN THE NORTH OKANAGAN REGIONAL DISTRICT (RDNO) (Click on link below right "Meat Inspection Final Report") This is a "must read" for anyone interested in 'Farm Gate' sources for beef, pork, lamb, and poultry and the impact it has had and will have on this industry and how it will impact us as consumers. It is our understanding that this legislation is just the beginning. We hear this will be extended to garden and orchard produce as well. This would seem to be another case of legislation being passed without any consideration regarding how it will impact those involved. More later.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Jan 30 update

For more information on the valley-wide governance initiative, we urge residents to visit and fill in the online comment form. This site is available under "Links" on our website. (Okanagan Valley Governance) For any questions about NORD, please contact their switchboard at 550-3700, or email Electoral Area Services (Greg or Inge) at . The final report from Brigitt Johnson on the impact of the new meat regulations will likely be available from the website after the February 6, 2008 Regional Board meeting. We will do our best to keep you updated! More later!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

As noted below, the Annual General Meeting for the association will be held on Monday January 28, 2008 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM at the BX Elementary School. Matters to be discussed shall include GOVERNANCE both local and valley wide; MEAT INSPECTION REGULATION; BOSS CREEK DEVELOPMENT plus other issues. Membership is vital to any association, so please give thought to becoming a member and also to becoming a director. Good and diversified input helps create an association with vitality and sound forward thinking. Please be involved. Membership is only $5.00 per year per person. Directorship is free!